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How's your skill at mental image making?

By David Wallace Barr IV Some of the things I often have difficulty remembering are the names of familiar garden plants I should know. When I was a boy, I was often called upon to weed my mother and father’s flowerbeds. They were avid gardeners and taught me the names of many beautiful plants. Over the years, I  visited and admired many many gardens and learned many more plant names. Love those gardens with the little labels that tell you what each plant is. But when you are not using these names every day or every week some of them seem to slip away. It’s different ones at different times. When I see an iris I can always remember that it’s an iris. But a rhododendron for instance, or an azalea, can easily slip my mind. It’s not the flower or plant that I forget. Each time I see it I recognize it instantly. It’s just the name that is sometimes hard to produce. Oh, that elusive name will usually resurface after a day or two, typically long after I needed it. If I get really annoyed at t

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